(Hasil penelitian hibah fundamental 2011 Dikti; oleh Wakit Abdullah, D. Edi Subroto, Mulyanto)



The study focused on derivational and inflectional morphology of affixation process. These research data are the form of sentences which containing standard Indonesian affixation forms. Data can be obtained on the mass media (print and electronic), the use of everyday spoken language by speakers of Indonesian society, as well as data generated by researchers as Indonesian speaker with specific validation policies for language study. The data was collected with observed and record method, and in-depth interviews. The observe method and record method made ​​of the data written and oral sources, whereas in-depth interviews conducted to reexamine the truth / validity of data obtained mainly on the data generated. In-depth interviews also accompanied observing and recording.

Derivational formation is the formation of which produces different kinds of new words from their base or establishment that produces different lexical identity. Establishment of the mean also produce a different lexical meaning of essentially the referents (referred to) is also different. In addition there is also a formation which produces the same kind of words with essentially (for example: lurah vs. kelurahan). In this case also includes the establishment of derivational because the lexical meanings are different and are referred to also differ. The word “lurah” refers to ‘a person’, while “kelurahan” refers to ‘the system / do not refer to person’. The formation of the latter (lurah vs kelurahan) does not change the type of word, but change the lexical identity. Through the characteristics mentioned above, the affixation in the Indonesian language known to the formation of a noun and a verb formation, whereas formation of a class of words other than nouns and verbs are not found.

Derivational formation of a noun derived from a few basic categories, namely from verbs (VI and V II), noun-other, adjectives, numbers, and and from adverbs. Derivational formation of V I into nouns included in various categories of nouns, namely the peng-D category, the peng-D-an category, the D-an category, the pe-D category, the ke-D-an category, and the per-D-an category. Derivational formation of V II into nouns included in various categories of nouns, namely the peng-D category, the peng-D-an category, the D-an category,  the pe-/per-D category, the pe-/per-D-an category, dan the ke-D-an category. Formation of a noun from other nouns contained in the various categories, namely the ke-D-an category, the per-/pe-D-an category, the D-wan/-wati category, the D-isme category, the D-isasi category, and the D-an category.

Derivational formation of adjective into nouns included in various categories of nouns, namely the ke-D-an category, the D-an category, the peng-D category, the D-isasi category, the D-isme category, the ke-D category, and the pe-D category. Derivational formation of word numbers into nouns included in various categories of nouns, namely the D-an category, kategori ke-D-an category, and the per-D-an category. Derivational formation of adverbs into nouns included in various categories of nouns, namely the ke-D-an category and the ke-D category. Formation of into noun can also involve the suffix {-nya} from different basic categories.

Derivational formation of into verbs are also derived from several basic categories, namely from the base of another verb (VI and V II), nouns, adjectives, numbers, and adverbs. Formation of into verbs of V I contained in the various categories, namely the D–i category, the D–kan category, the ke-D-an category, and the ber-D category. Formation of into verbs of V II contained in the various categories, namely the D–i category, the D–kan category, and the ke-D-an category.

Derivational formation of nouns into verbs contained in the various categories, namely the zero-D category, the D-kan category, the D-i category, the ber-D category, the meng-D category, the per-D category, the per-D-kan category, and the ber-D-kan category. Derivational formation of adjectives into verbs contained in the various categories, namely the D-i category, the D-kan category, the per-D category, the per-D-kan category, the per-D-i category, the meng-D category, the ber-D category, the ber-D-an category, and the ke-D-an category. Derivational formation of numbers into verbs contained in the various categories, namely the D-kan category, the per-D-kan category, the per-D category, the meng-D category, and the ber-D category. Derivational formation of adverbs into verbs contained in the various categories, namely the D-i category and the D-kan category.

Inflectional formation is a formation which does not generate new leksem or establishment that produces the forms of different words from the same leksem. The establishment of such a nature could have predicted based on certain conditions. Through affixation, inflectional formation in the Indonesian language only occur within the scope of the verb. The inflectional establishment of a V I basic found in verb of type TEMBAK, TEMBAKI, TEMBAKKAN, and AMBILKAN. The inflectional establishment of a V II basic included in the ber-D category, the D-i category, the D-kan ‘locative’ category, and the D-kan ‘causative’ category. Inflection affixes whose occurrence can be predicted inherent in the category of verbs is to affix {meng-, di-, ku-, kau-, dia-}.